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From Bartender to Author, anything is possible if only you dare to dream.
An Inside Look
The Siren's Song, book cover
Book one in Jack Savage, Prince of the Allagis.
The Fate of the Future, book cover
Book two in Jack Savage, Prince of the Allagis.
Destiny Determined, book cover
Book 3 in Jack Savage, Prince of the Allagis.
First three books' spines
The spines. I love every inch of these designs!
First three book covers
The first three books of the series about Jack Savage, Prince of the Allagis. Cover ideas!
Library picture
Library snippet. Love books.
Jack Savage Sketch
A sketch of my main man: Jack Savage and his primary shifted form.
Zephyr Blackwoods Sketch
The mysterious Zephyr Blackwoods, first Allagis friend of Jack Savage
Aisa Sketch
Aisa, the coolest girl at Catmere Academy.
Soter Catmere Sketch
Soter Catmere, Jack's best friend and heir to Catmere Academy
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